Photo:Paul Swannell

About your Parish Council

Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council are a dedicated group of councillors who are passionate about supporting the parish.


Find out all the latest information on upcoming meeting dates and past meeting minutes.


Planning Applications

See all the latest planning Applications for the Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish...


Latest News

Pop Up Cafe

By Rae Alton | 2nd July 2024

Reminder that the Pop Up Café is on Saturday 6th July, 9.30am till 12 noon at The Yeaveley Arms.  All are very welcome to attend. And as usual any cake contributions will be much appreciated. If you can’t stay for a cuppa, home made cakes are also available as a takeaway option; we can wrap cakes up…

Minutes 2022-2023

By Rae Alton | 5th February 2024

Minutes September 2022

By Rodsley & Yeaveley Parish Council | 30th September 2022

Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Church Monday 12 th September 2022 Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman) D Walsh (Vice Chairman) A Higgins F Sills H Watson L Schroeter Clerk R Alton Members of the public 4 members of the public attended Apologies: Helen Titterton A minute silence was…

Minutes January 2022

By Rodsley & Yeaveley Parish Council | 20th January 2022

Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Arms Monday 10th March 2022 Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman) A Higgins F Sills D Walsh (Vice Chairman) H Watson L Schroeter Clerk J Bailey Members of the public   Steve and Kirsty Sharp, Jane Gregory and Helen Titterton Apologies:   District Councillor…

Help Needed - Macmillan Readycall

Can we help you?

Can you help us?

We need volunteers to help support local people in the local community. call 01335 348600 for more info


Derbyshire Connect

Derbyshire Connect is a new bookable door-to-door shopping bus service, funded by Derbyshire County Council and running five days a week.

Call the booking line to 01335 300670 to check if you qualify to travel.


Trusted Trader

Finding a company that you can trust to do some work for you can be a bit daunting.
Find out more about all aspects of Trusted Trader


Footpath Code

Please ensure that you are sure of where the foot path is a map is always helpful.

Footpaths do cross private property and there is no right to roam in this area.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Us

Yeaveley and Rodsley are sleepy villages, south of Ashbourne,
It was the birthplace of one of the greatest architects of the Middle Ages, Henry Yevele, who travelled to London at the time of the Black Death and was responsible for the rebuilding of the great naves of Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral.

Your councillors

Clerk, Rae Alton
Chair, Cllr John Fitzakerley
​Vice Chair,
​Cllr Freda Sills
​Cllr Heather Watson
​Cllr Lindsey Schroeter