Minutes January 2022
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Arms
Monday 10th March 2022
Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman)
A Higgins
F Sills
D Walsh (Vice Chairman)
H Watson
L Schroeter
Clerk J Bailey
Members of the public Steve and Kirsty Sharp, Jane Gregory and Helen Titterton
Apologies: District Councillor T Morley
Declaration of Members’ Interests. There were none
Public Participation The Chair explained that this is the time when members of the public can state their reason for attendance and air their views on any item on the agenda, or ask for an item to be put on the agenda of the next meeting. The time allotted to public participation is 30 minutes and no one person may speak for more than 5 minutes and that once the meeting is underway members of the public must not interrupt.
Jane Gregory explained that she was at the meeting to state that she was against the application at The priory to build extensions (Item 106/21). She felt that it was too high and that they were going to use materials that would not be in keeping with the area.
Mr Sharpe said that they were not against the extensions but hoped that the 3 trees that exist on the boundary between their homes would be kept as they safe guarded their privacy. Also wondered if there was a TPO in place to protect them. He went on to report an unstable manhole cover in the pavement near The Nook. The Clerk said she would report it on the website ‘Do It Now’
The Chair said that the PC would bear their statements in mind but also advised them to report these points to the Planning authority themselves.
107/21 Minutes of the Last Meeting had previously been circulated to councillors They were ratified and Signed by The Chair. This was proposed by Cllr Walsh and seconded by Cllr Sills.
108/21 Neighbourhood Watch. Ellis Hacking of Derbyshire police has emailed the Clerk about whether we want to set up CSW (Community Speed Watch) in the village. The meeting discussed this and decided at the time being that this wasn’t necessary.
109/21 Compliance with Conditions of Formation of New Access and Track to Land Opposite the Entrance to Rodsleywood Farm. (Also Item 93/21} following the last meeting the Clerk wrote to the authority wrote to the authority and received notification that the problem had been assigned to job number 8201929 and would receive notification that it had been done. So far there has been no notification. Cllr Bull advised the Clerk to look into the job number and report back to him if there were any problems,
110/21 Planning Application for Retention of Noise Attenuation Bund at Darley Moor Race Track No news yet
103/2Planning Application, Retention of Giraffe Sculpture, Gravelly Bank Mews, Yeaveley. (Also Item 97/21) Unfortunately this application was refused on the grounds that it doesn’t reflect the local distinctiveness or contribute positively to the character, history and identity of this part of Yeaveley. This item is closed.
104/21Planning Application, Erection of Garden Store, The Pumping Station, Rodsley. (Also Item 98/21) This application was granted on condition that it is begun within three years. This item is closed.
105/21 Planning Application, Two Storey Side and Rear Extensions, Render to Exterior Walls and Erection of Outbuilding for Dependent Relative, The Firs, Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley. (Also Item 99/21). This application has been refused because its scale, design and form would be a visually dominant and incongruous addition and would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the bungalow. This item is closed
106/21 Planning Application Two Storey Side and Rear extension, etc, The Priory, Yeaveley Plans of the application were circulated and after discussion the meeting decided to tell the authority that there were no objections to the application but would like the planning authority to consider the following points 1. The PC and neighbours who were present disliked the anthracite cladding and felt it was out of place in the village. Could an alternative finish be found? 2. Concerns of privacy by neighbours would be alleviated if the 3 trees present remained intact – Is there a TPO present on the trees? 3. Will the extension affect the infrastructure?
The Clerk will tell the authority.
107/21 Planning Application For Erection of Porch and Replacement Windows at Rodsley wood Farm, Rodsley Plans of the application were circulated and discussed and the meeting decided unanimously that there were no objections
108/21 The Static Caravans at Wheatsheaf Farm, Yeaveley, and Cottage Farm, Rodsley; re Planning Permission. (Also Item 100/21) Letters were received on the 24th November about both caravans stating that the cases would be assessed and if necessary the sites would be visited. The Parish Council will be notified within 28 working days, if there has been a breach, with contact details of the officer assigned to enable the Council to monitor any action taken.
109/21 Proposed Licensing of Dance Festival on Darley Moor. (Also Item 101/21). The following is from a letter from Eileen Tierney. ‘To update you regarding the appeal on the decision of the Council’s Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee to refuse a license for the Darley Moor Dance Festival which was held on 15th June this year. The current position is the applicants appealed the decision in time, so this will now go to a full rehearing of the committee in front of a Magistrates’ Court.This will take place on 17th January 2022. At this hearing the court will list the matter and set directions for a final hearing later in the year.
‘At the hearing on the 17th January the Court will consider how much court time needs to be given to hear the appeal and a major consideration for this will be the number of witnesses that will want to speak at that appeal. The hearing at the Court is a complete re-hearing of the application in front of Magistrates, so if you were entitled to speak at the Committee, unless the court directs otherwise, you will be entitled to make representations to the Magistrates. If you do not want to speak personally, but wish to send a representative, we also need to know that so we can seek permission to do so from the Magistrates at this hearing. I cannot say when this will be listed as the more time the court will need the later in the year it is likely to be listed, but we need estimated numbers to assist the Court. I would therefore be grateful if you could email legal@derbyshiredales.gov.uk stating “Darley Moor Dance Festival Appeal Hearing” in the subject title, confirming if you do or do not wish to be heard at the final appeal hearing or wish to nominate a representative. I would be grateful if any reply could be received by 7th January 2022 to give us time to prepare numbers for the hearing.’ Unfortunately, due to illness, this didn’t get sent out until the 5/6th January. Simon Gillis responded in time but it’s not known who else managed to. However Cllr Morley had told the Clerk that he and Mr Shirley (from Clifton PC) would be attending.
110/21 Footpath Issues (Also Item 102/21) A proposal has been put forward by a landowner to divert footpath 5 where it leaves the Hales Green road and crosses his land. This will resolve the issue of a building having been erected some time ago. The diversion would take the path to the east of the residence through adjacent pasture fields and all current regulations would be satisfied. This information had been circulated to the councillors previously. No objections were raised so the Clerk reported this to Mr McCabe. No further news about footpath 12 Yeaveley.
111/21 Highways and Flooding Issues (Also Item 103/21). There have been no problems reported
112/ 21Clerk’s Report (Also Item 104/21) A message from the authority (Jim Fearne) that they are consulting on potential changes that could see up to four times the usual Council Tax charged on long term empty homes. From 1 April 2020 councils have had the power to triple the Council Tax on homes empty for five to 10 years and, from 1 April this year, quadruple it for those empty for more than a decade. Empty homes are defined as those that are unoccupied and substantially unfurnished. Residents, owners of empty properties and other stakeholders can take part in the online consultation now. See the website for further information.
The Clerk went on to advise the meeting that she was going to retire due to recent ill health and would put this in motion after seeking advice from DALC about the best way of going about advertising the vacancy. She said she would go on until a replacement was found and then work an overlap month to help her replacement The meeting responded to this saying they were sad to lose her but understood her reasons and that she would be sadly missed. The Chair added that the meeting unanimously recognised the untiring work the clerk had undertaken on behalf of the parish, going above and beyond what was expected, passing on their gratitude to the clerk for all her work.
113/21 Precept 2022 to 2023 (Also Item 105/21) The Clerk has received the official form regarding the precept and filled it out as agreed at the last meeting. The only item to add is that this has been duly minuted today. This item is closed
114/21 Financial Matters (Also Item 106/21)
Summary of Accounts to end of December 2021
Receipts Precept £2,900.00
Interest 0.27
Grant DDDC £ 150.00
Total £3,050.27
Payments Cemetery Green Bin £ 50.00
Clerk Salary to end December £ 1327.68
Petty Cash £ 53.39
DALC £ 174.14
Microsoft Office £ 21.45
Insurance £ 173.69
PAT Test £ 40.00
HMRC £ 221.00
Parish Party £ 718.50
Norton Security £ 24.99
Website £ 189.45
Total £2,994.29
Excess of Receipts over payments £ 55.98 Funds in Hand 1st April 2021 £5,007.73
Total £5,063.71
Funds in Account 00117946 £1,149.25
Funds in Account 00054278 £3,873.31
Petty Cash £ 41.15
Total £5,063.71
Date of the Next Meeting will be 28th March
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.20 pm