Minutes September 2022
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Church
Monday 12 th September 2022
Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman)
D Walsh (Vice Chairman)
A Higgins
F Sills
H Watson
L Schroeter
Clerk R Alton
Members of the public 4 members of the public attended
- Apologies: Helen Titterton
A minute silence was observed for the passing of Queen Elizabeth II - Declaration of Members’ Interests. There were none.
- Rae Alton was introduced as the new Parish Clerk by the Chairman.
- Public Participation The Chair explained that this is the time when members of the public
can state their reason for attendance and air their views on any item on the agenda, or ask
for an item to be put on the agenda of the next meeting. The time allotted to public
participation is 30 minutes and no one person may speak for more than 5 minutes and that
once the meeting is underway members of the public must not interrupt.The issue of the Public Footpath at Priory Close was mentioned. No further letters have been
received by residents.Field by Swallow Tail – determination date was July but no decision has been published.
Clerk to follow up. - Minutes of the Last meeting
Outstanding Issues
150/22 Compliance with conditions of Formation of New Access and Track to Land Opposite the
Entrance to Rodsleywood Farm.
The Clerk is to look into this and also the removal of hedges.
151/22 Planning Application for Retention of Noise Attenuation Bund at Darley Moor Race Track.
The Clerk will contact Mr Morley to enquire about this planning application.
152/22 Planning Application for Retention of Compound Area in Association with the Storage and
Fabrication of Festival Stands for a Temporary Period of 3 Years on land Adjacent to WhiteHall
Clerk to find out the decision made on planning application.
153/22 Planning Application for Change of Use of Land for Private Equestrian Use, Erection of
Stable Block, Formation of Menage and Relocation of Access with Associated Parking Area on Land
North of Park House Farm, Wyaston Road, Yeaveley.
Clerk to follow up and find out decision.
154/22 Outline Application for the Erection of an Agricultural Worker’s Dwelling with Approval
Sought for Access on Land South of Rodsley Lane, Rodsley.
Clerk to follow up and find out decision made.
155/22 Resubmission of Application for Single and 2-Storey Rear Extensions at Tipsey Pig Cottage,
Hales Green, Yeaveley
Clerk to find out final decision made.
156/22 Planning Application for Proposed Erection of Agricultural Worker’s Dwelling for a Period
of Three Year on Land at The Rallops, Rodsley Lane, Rodsley.
Clerk to follow up decision and to see if Highways did a site visit. Question raised over hedge
160/22 Highways and Flooding Issues. (Also Item 127/22).
Clerk to contact Mr Furnis to enquire if he is still having flooding problems
161/22 Queen’s Jubilee Celebration.
Clerk confirmed that all invoices from the Jubilee Celebration had been paid.
162/22 Risk to Water Supply – North East Corner of Rodsley Lane and Shirley Lane, Rodsley.(Also
Item 129/22).
See Planning Application later in meeting.
164/22 Clerk’s Report (Also Item 132/22)
Dates to be decided for the village meetings.
Yeaveley Village Meeting will be held of Monday 17 th October at 7pm until 7.30pm
Rodsley Village Meeting will be held on Monday 17 th October at 7.30pm until 8pm
Both meeting will be held in The Yeaveley Arms if possible, if not in Yeaveley Church.
165/22 Hire Fee for Future Meetings at Yeaveley Arms.
Future meetings will be held at The Yeaveley Arms if possible and in Yeaveley Church if not.
166/22 Parish Council Representative to Yeaveley Trust.
The trust was explained to the new Clerk.
Rodsley Charity Trust was also explained.
167/22 Defibrillator for Rodsley.
To be discussed later in the Agenda.
- Planning
169/22 Sunnymead, Hales Green 22/00962/FUL
Incorporation of additional land into residential curtilage, erection of garage and store and
creation of new vehicular access and disclosure of existing access.
Mr P Peake
No objections if applicant is following planning procedure. Clerk to contact Planning
Department with Council’s decision.
170/22 Corner Farm, Corner Close, Sherwin Barn & The Stables, Rodsley Lane, Rodsley
Replacement of 3no. septic tanks with package treatment plants to serve properties
Mr & Mrs D Pollard
Planning application is the result of an enforcement notice from the Council re soak away
into neighbouring field. Council have no objection but question if necessary. The Council
were concerned about the affect that the proposed development would have on the
covenant on the land opposite. Clerk to contact Planning Department with the Council’s
decision and comments.
- Footpaths
171/22 Footpath 12
Heard nothing
172/22 Footpath finger post – Left hand side of Hales Green before the Airfield
Clerk has heard nothing and will therefore follow up.
- Highways and Flooding Issues
Nothing new - Clerk’s Report
New Clerk training has been booked for 27th September
Met with Jacky a few times for handover – as agreed - Defibrillator in Yeaveley
Council decided that a Parish training event would be a good idea. Dave Walsh to ask Rob if it could take place at The Yeaveley Arms. Clerk to enquire with Ann Smith (Ashbourne Co-ordinator) if she would come and run the training.The Defibrillator was checked. Battery was fine and enclosed packs were in date. - Defibrillator in Rodsley
Clerk to research getting a de-fib in Rodsley. A suggestion has been made that it could go on the crossroads, possibly on or near the green phone exchange box. Rodsley residents to be including in the Parish training event. - Financial Matters
Summary of Accounts to End August 2022 were approved and signed.
Summary of Accounts to End August 2022
Receipts Precept £2900.00
Interest £0.13
Grant DCC £400.00
Grant DDCC £500.00 Total £3,800.13
Payments DALC Fee £175.87
Clerk Salary £600.00
Petty Cash £50.00
Insurance £214.00
Jubilee Mugs £103.95
Jubilee Items £56.61
Jubilee Raffle Prizes £75.96
Parish Gathering £250.00
Jubilee Celebrations £636.56
HMRC £42.37
Total £2,205.32
Excess of Receipts Over Payments £1,594.81
Funds in Hand £4,312.00
Total £5,906.81
Funds in A/C 7946 £2,000.43
A/C 4278 £3,873.66
Petty Cash £32.72
Total £5,906.81
- Date of the Next Meeting
Monday 7 th November 7.30pm at The Yeaveley Arms
Meeting closed at 9.15pm