Agenda May 2021
Rodsley & Yeaveley Parish Council
Dear Councillors,
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Rodsley & Yeaveley Parish Council which is to be held In Yeaveley Holy Trinity Church on Monday May 17th immediately following the Annual Meeting at approximately 7.45 pm.
Members are asked to complete the Declarations sheet (if appropriate) provided at the meeting.
Yours sincerely
J Bailey
- Apologies
- Declaration of Members Interests.
- Members must ensure that they complete the Declarations of Interest Sheet prior to the start of the meeting and must indicate the action to be taken (i.e. to stay in the meeting, to leave the meeting or to stay in the meeting to make representations and then leave the meeting prior to any consideration or determination of the item)
- Where a Member indicates that they have a prejudicial interest, but wish to make representations regarding the item before leaving the meeting, those representations must be made under the item Public Participation
The Declarations of Interests will be read out from the Declaration Sheet – Members will be asked to confirm that the record is correct.
- Public Participation. This must be kept to a minimum of 30 minutes total.
- Minutes of the Last Meeting.
- Neighbourhood Watch
- Planning Application, Brooklyn, Hales Green, Single Storey Side, front porch extension and detached double garage and incorporation of additional land into residential curtilage.
- Compliance with Conditions of Formation of New Access and Track to Land Opposite the Entrance to Rodsleywood Farm.
- Planning Application for a Erection of a Dwelling etc on land at Junction with Shirley lane and Rodsley Lane in Rodsley.
- Proposed Licensing of Dance Festival on Darley Moor.
- Footpath Issues
- Highways and Flooding Issues
- New Grit Bin, Yeaveley
- Mobile Library and kiosk library
- End of Lockdown in June
- Clerk’s Report
- Financial Matters
- Date of the Next Meeting.