August 2020 – Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Minutes
Held on Monday 10th August via Zoom.
Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chair)
F Sills
L Schroeter
H Watson
A Higgins
District Councillor T Morley
Clerk J Bailey
Apologies Councillor D Walsh
Declaration of Members’ Interest. Cllr Higgins had declared a prejudicial interest in the item for discussion and had elected to leave the meeting after the Public Participation Session. The Clerk showed the form to the meeting.
Public Participation. As there were no members of the public present the Chair asked Cllr Higgins if he would like to say anything before leaving the meeting.
Cllr Higgins explained that he was present to answer questions and did not intend to make representation. However he did say that he was surprised that the proposal was being discussed by committee so quickly. He had expected the planning authority to talk to him about the application first. Cllr Morley agreed that this was unacceptable behaviour on the part of the planners and would look into it.
The Councillors had no further questions and so Cllr Higgins left the meeting.
Item 62/20 Planning Application for the Proposed Replacement Dwelling and Garage Buildings at Carr Wood House, Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley.
The plans were circulated to the Council and also residents on a mailing list. The Clerk informed the meeting that Mrs S Hall is the only resident to respond asking to join the meeting. However she had failed to join the meeting.
Cllr Higgins had, prior to the meeting, addressed a couple of questions raised when the plans were first circulated.
With respect to the extra garages, he said that his architect had advised him that houses on this scale are often of interest to people who have large car collections - this is the reason for the extensive garaging for the future.
With respect to the accommodation above the garages – he said that the guest room is not for commercial purposes. It is intended for guests, dependent relative or for staff.
Cllr Sills said that she know of a classic car enthusiast who has garaging for 15 cars – so this is feasible.
The Chair was concerned that allowing this to go ahead would ‘open the flood gates’ to anyone owning a field outside Yeaveley. However the existing dwelling is within the settlement boundary and the proposal is to replace it. The house was built illegally within an existing barn but granted legal status in 2007 (ref 06/00802/CLEUD).
The proposed replacement has a bigger footprint but isn’t readily visible from public vantage points. The meeting agreed that it the proposal is a huge improvement on the existing dwelling.
Cllr Walsh had advised the Chair and the Clerk that he would support the proposal.
After discussing these facts the meeting agreed unanimously to support the proposal. The Clerk will inform the authority.
The meeting closed at 7.50 pm.