Minutes – Annual Meeting 2021




MONDAY 17th May 2021.

J Fitzakerley 
D Walsh
F Sills
H Watson
L Schroeter
A Higgins

Clerk    J Bailey
District Cllr T Morley

Member of the Public:
M Foot, L Millward, J Byrne, N Gething Lewis, A Capes,  G Tandy, S and D Pollard, R Walton, G Jones.

As previous Chair to the Council, Cllr Fitzakerley started the meeting at 7.30 pm.  

Apologies   H Collett, S Lovatt, J Bates, G Glover, S Gillis.

The Minutes of the last AGM were ratified and signed by Cllr Fitzakerley.This was proposed by  Cllr Schroeter and seconded by Cllr Watson.

35/21 Election of Chair. In the absence of any proposal Cllr Fitzakerley said that he was happy to continue as Chair. This was unanimously agreed.

36/21 Election of Vice Chair. In the absence of any proposal Cllr Walsh said that he was happy to continue as Vice Chair. This was unanimously agreed.

37/21 Signing Acceptance of Office Form. Cllr Fitzakerley signed the acceptance of office form which was countersigned by the clerk.

38/21 Approval of Certificate of Exemption. The Chair explained that as the precept was below £25,000 the Parish Council could be exempted from External Audit. Terri Jones had undertaken to be the Internal Auditor once again. This form was approved by the Council and signed by the Chair. The Clerk will add a minute reference, countersign and email to PKF Littlejohn, the external auditors.

39/21 Approval of Annual Governance Statement. The Chair read out the statements on this form. Each was agreed, signed by the Chair and the Clerk (who later added the minute reference)

40/21 Approval of Accounting Statement.  The Councillors were shown a summary of accounts for the financial year and agreed that the Accounting Statement was a true record. This had previously been signed by the Clerk and was now signed by the Chair. The Clerk will add the minute reference later. 

41/21 Review of Financial Regulations. The Chair explained that all councillors had been asked to look at their hard copy prior to the meeting. All agreed that they met the requirements of the PC

42/21 Review of Standing Orders. As above re hard copy.The Clerk asked if there was a need to remove the ‘Temporary Adjustments’ which were added last year because of covid.  The meeting agreed they should stay in place for the time being and that the Standing Orders are still fit for purpose.

43/21 Review of Code of Conduct. As above re hard copy. All agreed the Code of Conduct is fit for purpose.

44/21 Inventory of Assets. The Chair read out to the meeting the register of assets which currently amount to approximately £6,720. The cost to replace being approximately £10, 650. Therefore Insurance cover was adequate.

45/21 Review of Insurance. The Chair informed the meeting that our current provider, Parish Protect, have issued a quotation of £164.11. Last year the premium was £161.84. BHIB Councils Insurance quoted £207.09 for similar cover. The meeting unanimously agreed that we should remain with the current provider.

46/21 Land Title No DY227190 There are various covenants on this land in Rodsley and a copy is kept in the Clerk’s AGM file. A copy of DY268695 has been added which refers to the corner shown  coloured in red.. These must be produced each year at the AGM so that the Parish Council remains aware of its existence in case of future breaches. This must be minuted at each AGM.

There being no further business the meeting concluded at 7.50