Minutes – January 2021

Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting


Held virtually via Zoom at 7.30


  Monday January 11th 2021


Present Councillors,

J Fitzakerley (Chair)
D Walsh  (Vice Chair)
F Sills
H Watson
A Higgins
L Schroeter

Clerk, J Bailey


Member of the Public, Mr D Cottingham, Mrs H Titterton

Apologies:                    County Cllr Bull, District Cllr T Morley.

Cllr Fitzakerley experienced difficulties logging on to the zoom programme so he asked the Vice Chair Cllr Walsh to take the Chair and continued to attend the meeting by telephone.

Declaration of Members Interests. There were none

Public Participation. The Chair explained that at this meeting, because there is a time constraint, public participation must be kept to a minimum of 5 minutes in total.

He then went on to say that although the following item could not be on this agenda that perhaps it should be discussed at this time.

The item concerns approaching the trustees of the Yeaveley Educational Trust to see whether they can be encouraged to be proactive around the matter of ensuring that children in the villages have the necessary equipment to learn from home, such as availability of IT.

Of course it may be that there is no such need or that the trustees have already been proactive. If the trustees have been proactive then, then that's fine. If not, perhaps we could suggest that such enquiries of the families are entirely appropriate.

The meeting agreed and Cllr Lindsey (who is also a trustee) said she would ask Deb Cadman.

The Clerk pointed out that there is a separate Trust for Rodsley (Coke’s Educational Trust).

Cllr Sills said she would try to find out if they were proactive

01/21 Minutes of the Last meeting The Clerk had recently circulated these minutes for perusal by the councillors. They were ratified and signed by the Clerk. This was proposed by Cllr Higgins and seconded by Cllr Watson.

02/21 Neighbourhood Watch. (Also Item 75/20) It was agreed that new residents should be informed of the scheme. Cllr Watson, who is the coordinator, will facilitate this.

There was nothing else to report.

03/21 Planning Application, Honeysuckle Farm, Agricultural Worker’s Cottage (resubmission). (Also Item 76/20). The application is still waiting for an S106 agreements to be finalised before the formal decision notices can be issued.

04/21 Planning Application, 10, Priory Close, Yeaveley, Single Story Front Extension. (Also Item 78/20). This has been granted on condition that it is started within three years. This item is closed.

05/21 Planning Application, The Tythe Barn, Yeaveley, Replacement Door and Removal of Internal Wall. (Also Item 79/20).This has been granted on condition that it is started within three years. This item is closed.

06/21 Appeal Against Decision to Refuse Permission for Formation of Access and Off Street Parking at 3 to 5 Rodsley Lane. (Also Item 80/20).No decision as yet.

07/21 Naming and Numbering of New Development at Mushroom Farm. (Also Item 81/20. Following the consultation the road was named Crofton Close, Yeaveley. This item is closed 

08/21 Planning Application, White Oak Barn, Rodsley Lane, Rodsley, for Single Storey Rear Extension. (Also Item 83/20). The application was granted on condition that it is begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. It must be constructed of facing and roofing materials to match in terms of colour, texture, size and material those used in the construction of the existing building. This item is closed.

09/21 Planning Application, White Oak Barn, Rodsley Lane, Rodsley. This application had previously been circulated to the councillors. Following discussion the meeting agreed unanimously that there were no objections. The Clerk will inform the authority.

10/21 Planning Application, Brooklyn, Hales Green, Single Storey Side, Front Porch Extension and detached Double Garage. This application had previously been circulated to the councillors. Following discussion the meeting unanimously agreed that there were no objections. The Clerk will inform the authority.

11/21 Footpath Issues. (Also Item 84/20). The Clerk informed the footpath authority of concerns about the way that the newly widened entrance to the pheasant breeding farm had been left. She was advised to check whether planning permission had been sought and if it had been adhered to. They also said that they are not aware of any obstructions on the footpath as there appears to be a very wide gap for walkers. Finally that Highway safety issues should be reported to Highways Hub.

The Clerk has recently emailed the planning authority and Highways about this.

With regard to footpath 11 in Yeaveley. The Clerk finally sent photos indicating the issue with the entrance from Rodsley Lane. The photo clearly shows that the fingerpost points to the left of the hedge.

Mrs Salloway of Boothay has asked that once again residents are asked to keep to footpath 14 that borders their property, keep their dogs under close control at all times and pick up their dog’s mess.

Dog poo is also still very much an issue on Bull Lane. It is left blatantly on and near the path and a red poo bag was recently thrown in the hedge.

The Clerk has created a poster which will be laminated and will be posted round the village, particularly in Bull Lane and at the entrance to Boothay.

Mr Cottingham said that footpath 9, Rodsley, is impassable due to a huge mound of soil that has been left. He is going to send the Clerk a photo of the obstruction so that she can accurately inform the authority.

12/21 Highways and Flooding Issues (Also item 85/20)  Helen Collett of Park Lane Rodsley raised the fact that there was a build-up of mud on the road near Rose Cottage, the Clerk reported this.

Flooding is still occurring opposite the cemetery even though the authority claim they have cleared the drain. The Clerk has reported it again – again emphasising it is not the drain opposite the flooding that is the problem but a drain that is in the ditch. Steve Bull is keeping an eye on this and it has also been brought to the attention of the authority that looks into flooding issues.

13/21 Precept 2021 to 2022. (Also Item 87/20). The Clerk received the forms for applying for precept and filled them out as agreed at the last meeting asking for a precept of £2,900. This item is closed.

14/21 Clerk’s Report (Also Item 88/20). Nalc are advertising a Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme which is offering grants towards getting better connected see https://gigabitvoucher.culture.gov.uk/. Homes and businesses in rural areas of the UK may be eligible for funding towards the cost of installing gigabit-capable broadband when part of a group scheme. Rural premises with broadband speeds of less than 100Mbps can use vouchers worth £1,500 per home and up to £3,500 for each small to medium-sized business (SME) to support the cost of installing new fast and reliable connection.

The meeting discussed this and it was agreed that it should be looked into and that perhaps Steph O’Brien might be able to help.                                                                                                                                   DALC have said that the Annual Meeting must be held via zoom this year.

Due to the huge increase in costs to Kameleon, Steph O’Brien has been working on the change of hosts to Heart Internet for the website. He has also been addressing some accessibility issues.

The Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership have commissioned Agilysis and Traject (two consultancies specialising in road safety research and delivery) to undertake a full review of the structure, strategy and delivery of road safety in Derbyshire. Part of the research is to understand the community perspective, and to this end are asking councillors (and others) to complete a survey before 31st January 2021.  https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/XNINNJ/


15/21 Financial Matters. (Also Item 89/20). The grant of £500 from DCC has been received. The Clerk suggested that a grit bin is purchased to be placed at the top end of Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley, near Priory Close. The meeting agreed and the Clerk will action this.                                                                                                    A payment to HMRC of £110.60 for October, November and December on Clerks salary was paid online. This was approved by Cllrs Fitzakerley and Watson.

The final instalment of £13.86 to Kameleon and the annual payment of £129.46 to Heart Internet for hosting the website were paid online. These were approved by Cllrs Walsh and Watson.                                                                                                                                                    The summary of accounts (as shown below) and bank statements had been previously circulated to the councillors. These were approved and the Clerk signed them on behalf of the Chair.


Summary of Accounts to end December 2020


        Precept            £2,900.00

Interest            £        0.90

VAT reclaimed        £       11.13

Cash Donated        £       50.00

Grant DDC        £      500.00    £3,462.03


Payments    DALC            £      244.06

DALC Training        £        50.00

Clerk salary to end Dec   £  1,327.48

Petty Cash        £        53.77

HMRC to end Oct    £      331.60

Insurance        £      161.84

Kameleon to end Nov    £       110.88

Heart (Annual) Fee    £       129.46

Present            £        80.00

Norton Security        £        29.99    £2,519.08


Excess of Receipts over Payments            £   942.95

Funds in Hand 1st April 2020                £5,243.56    $6,186.51

Funds in Account 00117946        £ 2,288.10

Funds in Account 00054278        £ 3,872.94

Petty Cash                £       25.47            £6,186.51


The Date of the Next Meeting will be Monday 8th March.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm