Minutes – November 2020
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Held virtually via Zoom at 7.30
Monday November 9th 2020
Present Councillors, J Fitzakerley (Chair)
D Walsh (Vice Chair F Sills
H Watson
A Higgins
L Schroeter
Clerk, J Bailey
Member of the Public, S Hall
Apologies: County Cllr Bull
Declaration of Members Interests. There were none
Public Participation Mrs Hall had nothing to say at this time.
74/20 Minutes of the Last Meeting – were recently circulated to the councillors. They were ratified and signed by the Clerk. This was proposed by Cllr Higgins and seconded by Cllr Walsh.
75/20 Neighbourhood Watch (Also Item 64/20). Nothing to report.
76/20 Planning Application, Honeysuckle Farm, Agricultural Worker’s Cottage (resubmission.) (Also Item 65/20) The application is still waiting for an S106 agreements to be finalised before the formal decision notices can be issued.
Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable.
The application is with the Councils Legal Representatives to be finalised - the applicant and the agent should be aware of this.
77/20. Planning Application, Carr Wood House, Yeaveley, Replacement Dwelling and Garage Building. (Also Item 66/20). The application has been refused. There is a 7 page document listing the reasons for this decision. The PC supported the application but two comments were received against the proposal. The conclusion reached by the planners was, ‘ Whilst it is accepted that the proposal would replace a non-conventional dwelling that does not contribute positively to its surroundings, development plan policies require that any new dwelling / development does not detract from the character or appearance of its setting or surroundings and is respectful of the character, identity and context of the countryside. For reasons set out above, the siting, scale, height and design of the proposed dwelling and mass of outbuildings proposed is out of character and context with its surroundings, as is the extent of associated curtilage. In this respect the development is considered harmful to the character and appearance of the countryside and local landscape. A recommendation of refusal is put forward on this basis.’
Cllr Higgins told the meeting that new plans would be put forward for consideration in due course. This Item is Closed.
78/20 Planning Application, 10 Priory Close, Yeaveley, Single Storey Front Extension. The plans for this have been previously circulated to the councillors. The meeting unanimously agreed to support the proposal. The Clerk will inform the authority.
79/20 Planning Application, The Tythe Barn, Yeaveley, Replacement Door, Removal of Internal
Wall. The plans have been previously circulated to the council. The meeting unanimously agreed to support the application. The Clerk will inform the Authority.
80/20 Appeal Against Decision to Refuse Permission for Formation of Access and Off Street
Parking at 3 to 5 Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley. The Appeal will be determined on the basis of written representations.
The Authority will forward all previous comments to the Inspector. The meeting agreed that there was no need to add to the previous statements.
81/20 Naming and Numbering of Development at Mushroom Farm. The Head of Corporate Services is authorised to approve street naming and numbering schemes, subject to consultation with the Royal Mail, Ward Members and the Parish or Town Council. Once consultation has occurred and provided no objections are raised in the responses received, it will be possible to arrive at a decision on the matter.
If objections do arise, it will be necessary to discuss them with the developer and the consultees to determine if they can be resolved. Should a solution not prove possible, a report will be submitted to the officer with delegated responsibility to arrive at a final decision.
In this instance, the developer has made one suggestion of Crofton. The name suggested for the road is an old family name. The developer has been informed that it is not policy to adopt names that apply to living people.
The thoughts of the councillors on the suggested name would be appreciated and we are asked to advise if there are any additional names that we would like to be considered by 2nd December 2020. All names would then be passed back to be discussed with the Developer.
Following discussion the meeting unanimously agreed that they had no objection to Crofton and had no alternative name to offer. The Clerk will inform the Authority.
82/20 Application to Upgrade Footpaths 14 and 16, Yeaveley, to Bridleway. This was brought to the Clerk’s attention by a resident. When she queried it with the Rights of Way People she was told by Hannah Roberts@derbyshire.gov.uk – ‘We are in receipt of a substantial number of these applications and so once they are received I carry out various initial procedures before placing them in the queue to be allocated to a case officer. Part of this initial stage involves contacting the landowners to inform them that we have received an application affecting their land.
Once the claim reaches its turn in the queue, a consultation exercise is carried out and it is at this stage that the Parish Council and other statutory consultees are contacted and given the opportunity to provide their comments on the matter.
Due to the volume of applications we deal with, it may be some time before the consultation exercise begins. To give an idea of timescales, the application I have most recently consulted on was received by the Council in April of last year.’ The meeting agreed to temporarily close the item.
83/20 Planning Application, White Oak Barn, Rodsley Lane, Rodsley, for Single Storey Rear Extension. The plans for this have been circulated to the councillors. They unanimously agreed to support the application. The Clerk will inform the Authority.
84/20 Footpath Issues. (Also Item 67/20). After a letter was sent to Mr and Mrs Flowers in respect of reopening the footpath the Clerk was told by Lynn Taylor that – ‘I’m aware that the entrance of Rodsley Footpath 9 from Park Lane has been fenced off from the road.
Earlier in the year, it appears that Park Lane was affected by severe flooding and the Councils Highway Team closed the road and installed a new pipe under the road. The fence was erected for safety reasons without knowing that there was a public footpath at this location. I have asked for the fence obstruction to be removed and for the footpath to be reinstated off Park Lane.
The footpath is closed to the public at the moment so expect it to be reopened after the 11th November. A letter of apology was sent to Mr and Mrs Fowler Lynn passed on my query about the missing fingerpost off the Hales Green road to Dan Edwards – who dealt with it originally – but to date no response. Neale Gething Lewis emailed the Clerk to ask that the following be rectified, if possible – The Footpath / entrance to the field that now has a pheasant breeding business and rearing pens that is opposite the entrance to Rodsley wood Farm has had parts of the hedge and the style to the footpath removed and in its place some metal posts with yellow warning tape which looks unsightly. My concern will be that as nights get longer, cars will be driving into these causing damage etc.’. The Clerk will inform the Authority.
Cllr Higgins had asked Mr Richardson if the farm gate was the access to footpath 11 in Yeaveley. He said that the entrance to the path was between the flats and the hedge which was now obscuring the entrance. This was what Cllr Higgins had originally thought as there is a stile. The Clerk will inform the Authority.
85/20 Highways and Flooding Issues. (Also Item 68/20). On the 1st October Clerk was notified that the blocked gully on Leapley Lane has been repaired.
86/20 Clerk’s Appraisal. A virtual appraisal has taken place between The Chair, Vice Chair and the Clerk. It was agreed that all parties are completely satisfied that the work carried out by the Clerk is being carried out at an exemplary level. This item is closed.
87/20 Precept for 2021 to 2022. An excel spreadsheet had been circulated prior to the meeting. This projection shows that the precept could reach £3,800 if we have a bad winter or noticeboards need replacing etc. However a healthy balance remains in the deposit account and the current years’ expenditure amounts to £2,750, so the Clerk suggested that we apply for £2,900 again this year. The meeting unanimously agreed to this
88/20 Clerk’s Report. (Also Item 71/20) We have been invited to join the snow warden scheme again this year. This gives us a ton of free grit salt for our use on pavements and walkways that aren’t gritted by the council. Jacky has currently still got 20 bags = 1 ton stored at her house. If we apply for more it should go to Rodsley – where can it be stored? (The meeting suggested tht the Clerk email Rodsley residents to ask if anyone is willing to store/distribute the salt). The Planning Authority have asked that in future any complaints/ requests for enforcement are reported as follows to the online - https://www.derbyshiredales.gov.uk/planning-a-building-control/view-planning-applications/planning-enforcement. Jon Bradbury adds ‘It is fine to copy me or a team member in at the same time or to continue to phone me to discuss apparent breaches but I am sure you will agree it is most important to accurately log and investigate all alleged breaches as quickly as possible. Thank you in anticipation for your co-operation in this matter’. A resident asked if it was legal for a caravan to be parked on the land at the back of her property which is in Bradley Mews. I was able to establish that Mr Hall (the owner) was legally entitled to store his caravan on his own land.
89/20 Financial Matters.(Also Item 73/20) The Clerk has been having computer problems and asks the council agree to the cost of a service/repair or if necessary the purchase of a new laptop. This could amount to between £700 and £800 for a suitable machine and Microsoft package. The meeting unanimously agreed.
The Kameleon group who host the website have increased the cost by about £5 a month to £18.
The Clerk has discussed this with Steph O’Brien who has suggested that we move to a company called ‘Heart’. This would be about the same as the current cost.
https://www.heartinternet.uk/web-hosting/all-features. The meeting unanimously agreed to this.
Bank statements and a summary of payments to date have been previously circulated. The meeting unanimously agreed that the Clerk could sign them.
Summary of Accounts to end October 2020
Precept £2,900.00
Interest £ 0.84
VAT reclaimed £ 11.13
Cash Donated £ 50.00 £2,961.97
Payments DALC £ 244.06
DALC Training £ 50.00
Clerk salary to end Oct £ 1,032.44
Petty Cash £ 46.79
HMRC to end Oct £ 221.00
Insurance £ 161.84
Website to end Oct £ 97.02
Present £ 80.00
Norton Security £ 29.99 £1,963.14
Excess of Receipts over Payments £ 988.83
Funds in Hand 1st April 2020 £5,243.56 $6,242.39
Funds in Account 00117946 £ 2,337.06
Funds in Account 00054278 £ 3,872.88
Petty Cash £ 32.45 £6,242.39
The Date of the next meeting is Monday January 11th
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25