Minutes November 2021
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Arms
Monday 22 nd November 2021
Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman)
A Higgins
F Sills
D Walsh (Vice Chairman)
Clerk J Bailey
Members of the public James Byrne
Apologies: County Cllr Bull, Cllrs Watson and Schroeter
Declaration of Members’ Interests. There were none
Public Participation The Chair explained that this is the time when members of the public can state their reason for attendance and air their views on any item on the agenda, or ask for an item to be put on the agenda of the next meeting. The time allotted to public participation is 30 minutes and no one person may speak for more than 5 minutes and that once the meeting is underway members of the public must not interrupt.
91/21 Minutes of the Last Meeting had previously been circulated to councillors They were ratified and Signed by The Chair. This was proposed by Cllr Higgins and seconded by Cllr Sills.
92/21 Neighbourhood Watch. Nothing to report
93/21 Compliance with Conditions of Formation of New Access and Track to Land Opposite the Entrance to Rodsleywood Farm. (Also Item 77/21). The Clerk sent an email to Martin Dalman, the Enforcement Officer - Finally some very visible barriers have been erected at the site of the new entrance (17/01069/FUL).
At a recent meeting of the PC a Councillor who represents Rodsley expressed concern that the work on the drive had yet to be completed and felt it gave a poor impression upon entering the village of Rodsley.
It was agreed that the DDDC Planning Enforcement Officer be asked to remind the landowner of his obligations to complete the work. The Clerk sent the following to the Enforcement Officer ‘Permission was granted back in 2017 – surely it is time it was completed – materials are on site to do this. Non completion means that the footpath fingerpost that was previously in position at the site cannot be replaced. Please can you help.’
Kerb stones have been put in place now but it was reported that a lorry had caught a wheel on this and could have overturned.
The meeting decided that Highways should be asked to look at this from a safety point of view.
94/21 Planning Application for Retention of Noise Bund at Darley Moor Race Track. (Also Item 80/21) The meeting asked the Clerk to enquire about the status of this application.
95/21 Planning Application for Erection of Shepherds Hut at Hollynook Rodsley (Also Item 82/21) The application was granted on condition that it is begun within three years and will only be used in connection with Hollynook and not as an independent dwelling or separated from the ownership of the main dwelling. This item is closed.
96/21 Planning Application for Erection of a Replacement Dwelling House, Carr Wood House, Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley. (Also Item 83/21) The application has been granted on condition that it is begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
Details of all materials to be used in the construction of the external surfaces shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any work to any external surface is carried out. The development shall thereafter be constructed in accordance with the approved details. Details of the materials, treatment and/or colour of the window and door frames and rooflights shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to installation. The window and door frames and rooflights shall then be installed in accordance with the approved details and so retained. This item is closed.
97/21 Planning Application Retention of Giraffe Sculpture, Gravelly Bank Mews, Yeaveley.
Following a discussion the meeting agreed unanimously that there were no objections to this application. The Clerk will inform the authority.
98/21 Planning Application Erection of Garden Store, The Pumping Station, Rodsley After examining the plans the meeting agreed unanimously that there were no objections to this application. The Clerk will inform the authority.
99/21 Planning Application, Two Storey Side and Rear Extensions, Render to Exterior Walls and Erection of Out Building for Dependent Relative, The Firs, Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley. After examining the proposed plans the meeting agreed unanimously that there were no objections to the
application as long as the infrastructure can support it. The Clerk will inform the authority.
100/21 The Static Caravan at Wheatsheaf Farm, Yeaveley; re: Planning Permission. The caravan was brought to the attention of the Parish Council with regard to whether planning permission had been sought. There was no reference to an application anywhere on the planning portal and the advice given by the authority was that it should be reported online as a potential planning breach. It was mentioned that there was also a similar caravan on land at Cottage Farm on Rodsley Lane, Rodsley. The meeting decided that both should be reported to the planning authority as possibly being in breach of planning laws. The Clerk will action this.
101/21 Proposed Licensing of Dance Festival on Darley Moor. (Also Item 84/21). The licensing Authority previously reminded the PC that at the Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee meeting held on 15 June 2021, the application for a Premises Licence to allow a dance music festival every year at Darley Moor Airfield, was refused. Following the Hearing, the Council’s Legal Services Manager, Lee Gardner, received a letter from the Magistrates Court giving a first Hearing date for 1 st November 2021 this has now been moved and will be held on 17th January 2022.
Lee Gardner advised anyone making enquiries that this hearing will be for directions only and not the actual hearing of the appeal which is not likely to be considered until later.
Further queries regarding the appeals process for this application should be directed for the attention of Lee Gardner at legal@derbyshiredales.gov.uk; it is important that this part of the licensing process is dealt with by the Legal Team.
102/21 Footpath Issues (Also Item 86/21). With regard to Footpath 12 Yeaveley. The Clerk emailed David McCabe, the Rights of Way person who was first consulted about the viability of re-opening the footpath to ask how the request for extinguishing it was progressing. His eventual reply was as follows, - ‘The situation is that although we have not even undertaken a consultation on the proposed extinguishment it has become apparent that it would be opposed, and it would waste everyone’s time to pursue it. Sadly these instances of housing estates being built on public paths is all too common, and we are looking at the options for a solution to the footpath no. 12 issue.’
The Chair reminded the meeting that the footpath had been impassable since the area previously known as ‘The Mushroom Farm’ was excavated to build a runway during the second world war. Various houses on Priory Close bought land to extend their gardens in the belief that the footpath was permanently closed. Provision for reinstating the footpath was included in the plans for the new development but if the footpath was reinstated it would go through the back gardens of several homes on Priory Close. It was originally agreed at a site meeting attended by residents, Mr McCabe and Cllr Bull as well as The Chair and Clerk of the PC at the time that the best course of action would be to apply for extinguishment – especially because it had not been used for approximately 75 years.
The meeting decided to wait to see what course of action would eventually be taken therefore this item is temporarily closed.
The missing fingerpost from Hales Green Road has been reported on the website again as no record of a reference number for the job could be found, only several emails between the Clerk and a Rights of Way Officer
103/21 Highways and Flooding Issues. (Also Item 87/21) The Clerk reported standing water on Park Road near Woodhouse Farm close to Long Lane.
104/21 Clerk’s Report (Also Item 89/21). The following information was sent after the agenda had been drawn up –‘ I am writing to advise your council that from 22 November 2021, the County Council’s legal services will commence charging for the processing of formal licences granted under section 115 of the Highways Act 1980. These are licences granted for the placing out of items on the public highway such as planters or gateway village signs etc. The charge will be £100 per application and will currently only be payable at the point of Highways passing the application to legal services, once internal and external consultation have been completed. Your council will be contacted by our legal services to arrange payment before a formal agreement can be drawn up for any approved licence. In the future, the application process will no doubt be moved online.’
105/21 Precept Copies of the estimated costs which might occur in the next financial year were circulated. The meeting agreed that the precept remain at £2,900 as there is still a healthy reserve. The Clerk will inform the authority in due course.
106/21 Financial Matters (Also Item 90/21).
Summary of Accounts to end of October 2021
Receipts Precept £2,900.00
Interest 0.21
Grant DDDC £ 150.00
Total £3,050.21
Payments Cemetery Green Bin £ 50.00
Clerk Salary to end October £ 1032.64
Petty Cash £ 46.41
DALC £ 174.14
Microsoft Office £ 21.45
Insurance £ 173.69
PAT Test £ 40.00
HMRC £ 221.00
Parish Party £ 718.50
Norton Security £ 24.99
Total £2,502.82
Excess of Receipts over payments £ 547.39
Funds in Hand 1 st April 2021 £5,007.73
Total £5,555.12
Funds in Account 00117946 £1,633.74
Funds in Account 00054278 £3,873.25
Petty Cash £ 48.13
Total £5,555.12