September 2020 Minutes
Monday September 7th 2020
Present Councillors,
J Fitzakerley (Chair)
D Walsh (Vice Chair )
F Sills
H Watson
A Higgins
L Schroeter
Clerk, J Bailey
Member of the Public, S Hall
Apologies: County Cllr Bull, A McLachlan.
Declaration of Members Interests. There were none
Public Participation Mrs Hall had nothing to say at this time.
63/20 Minutes of the Last Two Meetings – were recently circulated to the councillors. They were ratified and signed by the Clerk. This was proposed by Cllr Watson and seconded by Cllr Sills.
64/20 Neighbourhood Watch (Also Item 47/20). Nothing to report.
65/20 Planning Application, Honeysuckle Farm, Agricultural Worker’s Cottage (resubmission.) (Also Item 50/20) The application is still waiting for an S106 agreements to be finalised before the formal decision notices can be issued.
Planning obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), commonly known as s106 agreements, are a mechanism which make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms, that would not otherwise be acceptable.
The application is with the Councils Legal Representatives to be finalised - the applicant and the agent should be aware of this.
66/20 Planning Application, Carr Wood House, Yeaveley, Replacement Dwelling and Garage Building. (Also Item 62/20). An Extraordinary Meeting was held on 10th August via Zoom to discuss this application. The meeting had unanimously agreed to support the application and the Clerk had informed the Authority. The authority had indicated that the item would be discussed at a meeting held on the 8th September but it is not believed to be on the agenda for that meeting!
67/20 Footpath Issues. (Also Item 53/20). Andrew Mclachlan, a resident of Rodsley, was unable to attend the meeting but he told the Clerk that the entrance to Footpath 9, Rodsley, from Park Lane had been fenced off and the footpath was no longer accessible. He had reported this to the authority but had not received a reply and so far nothing has been done to reopen it.
Cllr Sills thought that the new owners of Brook Cottage on Park Lane, Mr and Mrs Flowers, may have inadvertently blocked the access. The meeting agreed to ask the Clerk to write to them to ask that they reinstate the access to the footpath.
The Clerk asked the authority about the access to Footpath 11 from Rodsley Lane in Yeaveley. This was queried by Cllr Higgins at the meeting in July. The Rights of Way people told her that the entrance is through Sunnyside Farm gate.
68/20 Highways and Flooding Issues (Also Item 54/20) Cllr Schroeter said there is still a blocked drain on the road to Hales green. The Clerk will report this.
69/20 Is it safe to release the ‘Library’ in the telephone kiosk. (Also Item 60/20) Cllr Schroeter asked for this to be raised again as she understood that Covid 19 does not remain on paper. Cllr Walsh said that libraries were still quarantining books for 3 days. He also said that posting a notice absolving the PC of responsibility is not legally acceptable. The Clerk will ask for guidance on this problem from the authority. In the meantime we will continue to monitor what libraries are doing to keep the public safe.
70/20 Review of Electoral Boundaries. The Local Government Boundary Commission for England is currently reviewing the electoral boundaries for Derbyshire Dales District Council. This potentially reduces the number of Ward Members from 39 to 34. The next stage of the process is to redraw the Ward boundaries to ensure that the following statutory criteria are met:
To deliver electoral equality where each district councillor represents roughly the same number of electors as others across the district.
hat the pattern of wards should, as far as possible, reflect the interests and identities of local communities
The electoral arrangements should provide for effective and convenient local government. As Cllr Morley was not present the Clerk will talk to him about this.
71/20 Clerk’s Report. (Also Item 55/20). Just a reminder that we will have to pay for garden waste to be removed from next financial year. This will cost £50 per bin. However if you go online to and agree to pay before the end of January 2021 the cost will be £35 per bin.
72/20 Website Accessibility Requirements. (Also Item 59/20). Steph O’Brien has produced an Accessibility Statement for our website. This can be accessed from the homepage of the website In the top right hand corner click on the magnifying glass and type in Accessibility Statement and then press enter. Steph is posting information for us now, free of charge, to make sure that everything remains in line with this statement.
The PC thank Steph for his efforts which are really appreciated. This item is closed.
73/20 Financial Matters. Norton Security renewal was due and the Clerk paid it using her credit card. The meeting unanimously agreed to reimburse her £29.99.
NALC have agreed a pay settlement. The spinal columns have been changed. The Clerk was paid on Spinal Column 17 but in future it will be SCP 6. The increase will take her gross salary from £179.28 to £184.32 per month (for an 18 hr month). Backdated to April will mean an initial payment of £184.32 + £25.20 = £209.52 in September. Nett will be an initial payment of £167.52 and subsequent monthly payments of £147.52. The meeting unanimously agreed that the standing order for her salary be adjusted. Bank Statements and the Summary of Accounts on the next page had previously been circulated and the meeting agreed that they could be signed by the Clerk.
Date of the Next Meeting will be either 8th or 9th November. The meeting closed at 8 pm