September 21 – Minutes
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of Rodsley and Yeaveley Parish Council Meeting
Held at 7.30pm, Yeaveley Arms
Monday 20 th September 2021
Present Councillors J Fitzakerley (Chairman)
A Higgins
L Schroeter
F Sills
D Walsh (Vice Chairman)
H Watson
Clerk H Titterton
Members of the public Rachel Salt, Richard and Theresa Nelson
Apologies: Jacky Bailey- Clerk, County Cllr Bull
PC recorded their best wishes for Mrs Bailey’s speedy recovery and also thanked Helen Titterton for clerking the meeting in her absence.
Declaration of Members’ Interests. Councillor Higgins recorded a personal interest in item 12 owing to his personal interest in the planning application.
Public Participation. The Chair explained that this is the time when members of the public can state their reason for attendance and air their views on any item on the agenda, or ask for an item to be
put on the agenda of the next meeting. The time allotted to public participation is 30 minutes and no one person may speak for more than 5 minutes and that once the meeting is underway members of
the public must not interrupt.
Rachel Salt expressed concern that her farm / business, KG Kent & Co has been named in the retrospective planning application for retention of the noise attenuation bund at Darley
Moor Race Track and the farm is being implicated in the purpose of the bund. Whilst acknowledging that the farm does generate some noise, the bund is not required for this
purpose. PC noted her comments.
Richard and Theresa Nelson expressed concern at the lack of progress on closing footpath 12 and it appears that DCC and The Ramblers have not proceeded with a consultation. PC noted
that they had previously argued in favour of the closure but it appears no further action has been taken. The Chairman agreed to take this matter up with County Councillor Steve Bull.
75/21 Minutes of the last meeting had previously been circulated to councillors. They were ratified and signed by the Chair and Councillor Higgins (summary of accounts). This was proposed by
Councillor Higgins and seconded by Councillor Watson.
76/21 Neighbourhood Watch. An email has been received from PCSO Hacking from Ashbourne Safer Neighbourhood Team enquiring whether there are any concerns or questions relating to the parish
area. Following a brief discussion, no issues were identified.
It was also noted that the Clerk had been provided with a supply of leaflets and stickers promoting neighbourhood safety and security. It was agreed that the material be deposited in the phone box /
library and that an email would be circulated by the Clerk inviting residents to help themselves.
Item 77/21 (Also Item 62/21) Compliance with Conditions of Formation of New Access to Land Opposite the Entrance to Rodsleywood Farm. It was noted that barriers have been erected on the
driveway adjacent to Rodsley Lane so that the hazard is better identified and to some extent mitigated. Councillor Sills expressed concern that the work on the drive had yet to be completed and
felt it gave a poor impression upon entering the village of Rodsley. It was agreed that this item be left open and that the DDDC Planning Enforcement Officer be asked to remind the landowner of his
obligations to complete the work.
78/21 (Also Item 63/21). Planning Application for Erection of a Dwelling etc on Land at Junction with Shirley Lane and Rodsley Lane in Rodsley. It was noted that a Decision Notice has been
received and this application has been refused. This item is closed.
79/21 (Also Item 64/21) Planning Application for Conversion of Barn/Storage Building into an Office and Games/Cinema Room at Leapley Mount Farm, Yeaveley. It was noted that a Decision
Notice has been received and this application has been approved with conditions. This item is closed.
80/21 (also item 65/21) Planning Application for Retention of Noise Attenuation Bund at Darley Moor Race Track. The Chairman referred back to the comments made by Mrs Salt in the Public
Participation section. It is understood that a site meeting has taken place but a decision has yet to be reached.
81/21 Planning Application for Erection of Link to Outbuildings at Rodsleywood Farm, Rodsley. Councillor Higgins advised that this application has been withdrawn from the website. Consequently,
there was no further discussion. This item is closed
82/21 Planning Application for Erection of Shepherd’s Hut at Holly Nook, Rodsley. Councillor Sills noted she had received comments from neighbours of the applicant regarding the height of the
proposed shepherd's hut owing to the size of the wheels. However, no objections have been recorded on the DDDC planning website to date. The PC raised no objection to the application. The
Clerk will inform the Planning Authority
83/21 Planning Application for Erection of a Replacement Dwelling House, Carr Wood House, Rodsley Lane, Yeaveley. Having previously declared an interest, Councillor Higgins took no part in
the discussion of this item. Councillors considered the plans for the proposed development and commented positively on their attractive design. It was hoped that this submission would now be supported by DDDC (following a
previous refusal) especially since the proposed replacement dwelling would be a significant improvement on the current property on the site. The PC endorsed the application. The Clerk will inform the Planning Authority
84/21 (Also Item 66/21) Proposed Licensing of Dance Festival on Darley Moor. It was noted that this application had been refused by the Licensing Authority but the applicants are appealing. A
message has been received from Eileen Tierney (DDDC) to the effect that ‘Derby Magistrates Court had set a date for a hearing on 1 st November but this would be for directions only and the actual
appeal is not likely to be considered before next year’. PC agreed to continue to liaise with other parish councils over this once we hear more from the Legal Department at DDDC. It was felt that this
issue had strengthened the voice and effectiveness of local councils and residents so had had a positive impact in this respect.
85/21 (Also Item 67/21) Proposed Family Events Programme on Darley Moor Race Track. It was noted that Jason Oakley has contacted the Clerk to say that he is not going to apply to the Licensing
Authority this year but instead concentrate on the YNot event and will probably apply next year. This item is temporarily closed.
86/21(Also Item 69/21) Footpath Issues. The Chairman referred back to the public participation section in respect of footpath 12.
It was further identified that a fingerpost still needs replacing on the Hales Green Road. PC requested that the Clerk look into the delay in replacing this sign.
87/21(also Item 70/21) Highways and Flooding Issues. It was noted that the Hales Green Road will be closed for 3 days (23 rd – 25 th September) for the installation of a water pipe
88/21 (Also Item 72/21) Parish Celebration Event. Thanks to the generosity of both Cllr Bull and Cllr Morley a very successful event took place at the Yeaveley Arms on the 5 th September. PC expressed
appreciation to Rob Parker, the landlord, his staff and a group of helpers for creating the event and also serving heavily subsidised food from the barbecue. A singer entertained, there was a raffle – the
proceeds of which (£200) were presented to Ashbourne Food Bank – and there were also prizes for best dressed table and to children who were involved in fancy dress.
It was noted that the grant received from the councillors was £650.00. However, the cost incurred by the Yeaveley Arms was £718.50. It was agreed that Mr Parker should not be out of pocket and
therefore the PC agreed to pay the deficit of £68.50. This item is closed.
89/21 (also Item 73/21) Clerk’s Report. It was reported that Derbyshire Association of Local Councils AGM is taking place on 19 th October by zoom at 10 am. Councillors were invited to take part and
anyone wishing to attend should notify Glen Ingham.
90/21 (Also Item 74/21) Financial Matters.
The following was agreed and cheques were signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman
Reimburse the Yeaveley Arms for the sum of £718.50 for the Parish Celebration Event. This was achieved using two cheques 000366 for £68.50 and 000368 for £650.00
Reimburse the Clerk for the sum of £24.99 for renewal of Norton Security – an online transfer will be made by the Clerk for this purpose
Approval for cheque no 000367 value £50 for petty cash for the Clerk.
The Summary of Accounts (see next page) and bank statements to the end of August were circulated
and signed as correct by Councillor Schroeter.
Summary of Accounts to end of August 2021
Receipts Precept £2,900.00
Interest 0.15
Grant DDDC £ 150.00
Total £3,050.15
Payments Cemetery Green Bin £ 50.00
Clerk Salary to end August £ 737.60
Petty Cash £ 42.92
DALC £ 174.14
Microsoft Office £ 21.45
Insurance £ 173.69
PAT Test £ 40.00
HMRC £ 110.40
Total £ 1,350.20
Excess of Receipts over payments £1,699.95
Funds in Hand 1 st April 2021 £5,007.73
Total £6,707.68
Funds in Account 00117946 £2,832.87
Funds in Account 00054278 £3,873.19
Petty Cash £ 1.62
Total £6,707.68